Transfer Application Requirements

We are here to help you finish what you started. 无论你是从社区大学还是四年制大学转学,我们都会帮助你.

See how your courses will transfer to Roger Williams University. 请记住,这是为了提供一个关于哪些课程可以转学的总体视图,而是为了与招生办公室合作进行正式的成绩单审查. 

Requirements for Transfer Admission

We accept both the RWU Rapid Application and Common Application

With your application, 请附上一份个人陈述或意向书,说明你想转学的原因! 许多学生利用这个机会来澄清他们教育道路上的障碍.

当你提交申请时,你不需要手头上所有必需的证件. You can submit the required materials as you obtain them.

Transcripts are required from every college attended. Unofficial transcripts can be submitted for initial review.

Regardless of credit amount, 我们需要高中毕业证明(注明日期的高中成绩单), high school diploma, or GED Certificate).

The Transfer College Report lets us know that you are in good academic, financial, and judicial standing at your most recent school. 这需要由学院官员完成,通常由院长完成.

Transfer Application Deadlines

Fall 2024 Admission

  • Early action: April 1
  • Rolling admission: up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester
  • FAFSA recommended deadline: April 1
  • Notification date: rolling

Spring 2025 Admission

  • Early action: Nov 1
  • Rolling admission: up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester
  • FAFSA recommended deadline: Dec 1
  • Notification date: rolling

最初,我们接受您当前学校的非正式成绩单作为录取过程. 在你的最终成绩公布后,我们将需要你在任何其他学校的正式大学成绩单和你目前学校的正式成绩单,以便正式获得大学转学学分.

Recommended Credentials

List all your accomplishments, awards, affiliations, employment, 还有志愿者的经历,这样我们就能了解你在课堂之外是什么样的人.


While these are not required, 有些学生喜欢附上推荐信来加强他们的申请. These can come from teachers, employers, coaches, and more.

  • RWU is a test-optional school. 如果您在过去五年内参加过SAT或ACT考试,请随时提交您的考试成绩.
  • College Board SAT & TOEFL: 3729
  • ACT: 3814

Major-Specific Requirements 

所有申请进入B级的申请人都需要一个展示申请人创造潜力的二维和/或三维作品的作品集.S. in Architecture program. 作品集要求的目的是双重的——为申请人提供一些关于你作为建筑系学生将从事的活动的想法, 并且让学校在你建筑教育的早期阶段就开始评估你的潜力. Consistent with the mission of our program, 网赌的十大网站对申请者表现出的各种表达感兴趣,并为之庆祝. Applicants come from a variety of backgrounds, 我们很欣赏这种多样性,因为它是在大学阶段开始学习建筑的基础.


Your work portfolio should be submitted through one of the following:

  • SlideRoom at this address:
  • Email to with the subject line ‘Portfolio’
  • Mail in a simple 8-1/2” x 11” binder to:

    Office of Undergraduate Admissions 
    Roger Williams University 
    One Old Ferry Road, Bristol, RI 02809

作品集应包含最近在高中或大学艺术课程中执行的二维和三维作品的复制品, independent works by the applicant, 或者你可能已经完成的艺术或建筑暑期课程. 高质量的黑白副本和与工作相关的彩色副本是可以接受的.

申请这些课程的候选人应该展示在舞蹈领域的成就和职业潜力. 舞蹈和表演研究的申请人需要在他们的申请被审查之前试听视频. In order to complete the application process, 对舞蹈表演研究感兴趣的学生必须参加试镜.

RWU Dance Program Audition Information

请随时联系本科招生办公室的杰西卡·蒂博 if you have further questions!

Decision Rescission Policy


  • 如果你在学校最后几个月的学习成绩明显下降,或者你在本学年结束前没有毕业并获得文凭.
  • 如果你提交的申请和/或你的行为使你的诚实受到质疑, 正直或品格,与我们的社会价值观相反/不一致.
  • 如果你的大学理事会或ACT的官方考试成绩与你自己报告的考试成绩不一致.
  • 未能在适当的截止日期前完成注册所需的步骤.



International Transfer Admission Requirements

Transfer students may choose between the RWU Transfer Rapid App and Transfer Common Application when applying to transfer.  Please review the Transfer Application Requirements 关于如何准备网赌的十大网站所需的所有必要材料的有用信息,以及关于何时申请的“截止日期”部分的信息.

International Transfer Admission Requirements

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